
  1. 2. Blood in the aorta is under this type of pressure
  2. 5. The fluid which carries fats around the body - not the blood
  3. 8. The transport method used to move sucrose from companion cells to the phloem.
  4. 9. The valve between the right atrium and ventricle
  5. 10. The tube through which sucrose moves.
  6. 11. A small artery
  7. 13. A muscle used to pump blood
  8. 16. This bathes the tissues and allows diffusion of substances in and out
  1. 1. The name given to the valves between the ventricles and their main arteries
  2. 3. The only layer found in a capillary
  3. 4. Movement of water up a plant from the root.
  4. 6. The type of pressure which forces fluid into the tissue fluid
  5. 7. Stored glucose in a plant.
  6. 12. The hard material which makes up wood and xylem walls
  7. 14. The iron group which binds to oxygen in haemoglobin
  8. 15. Arteries have more of this kind of tissue