
  1. 2. what is a heart?
  2. 5. an adjective connected with blood
  3. 7. average amount of litres of blood that flows through heart per minute
  4. 8. what is the color of heart?
  5. 9. example of an organism that doesn't have a heart
  6. 12. an adjective connected with blood
  1. 1. what does a heart do with blood?
  2. 3. how many chambers has a heart?
  3. 4. can we transplant a heart?
  4. 5. a serious medical emergency connected with heart?
  5. 6. what flows through heart?
  6. 10. what has a heart?
  7. 11. is heart needed by human organism to live?
  8. 13. how many hearts does a human have.