Heart and Lungs

  1. 3. branched off from the bronchi
  2. 5. your windpipe
  3. 7. the color of arteries
  4. 8. splits into 2
  5. 9. separates the ventricles
  6. 12. what arteries transport
  7. 13. the heart has 4
  8. 14. largest artery leaving the heart
  9. 18. after the right atrium
  10. 19. attach themselves to the alveoli to transfer gases
  11. 20. where oxygen poor blood enters the heart
  1. 1. part of the respiratory system
  2. 2. the color of veins
  3. 4. what veins transport
  4. 6. after the left atrium
  5. 10. where oxygen rich blood enters the heart
  6. 11. travel away from the heart
  7. 15. tiny air sacks that contain gases
  8. 16. transports oxygen poor blood into the right atrium
  9. 17. part of the circulatory system