Heart Disease

  1. 3. Thin pieces of tissue that makes up a heart valve
  2. 5. Death of tissue
  3. 6. A heart muscle
  4. 9. The removal of tissue
  5. 10. A rapid heartbeat
  6. 12. High blood pressure
  7. 16. arrest When the heart stops beating suddenly
  8. 20. When the muscle in the heart weakens
  9. 21. Examination of tissue
  10. 22. A surgical procedure
  11. 24. A blood clot that moves through a bloodstream
  12. 26. Inside of a blood vessel
  13. 27. Gives the heart an electric shock
  14. 28. Low blood pressure
  15. 29. Difficulty breathing
  1. 1. Sends electrical impulses to heart muscle
  2. 2. Fat that circulates in blood
  3. 4. Blockage
  4. 5. When the cause of disease is not known
  5. 7. A ring of tough tissue
  6. 8. Surgery that involves the heart
  7. 11. A sac that is formed from bulging blood vessels
  8. 13. Large artery leaving the heart
  9. 14. A slow heart rate
  10. 15. Specializes in treatment for heart disease
  11. 17. Deficiency of red blood cells
  12. 18. Relates to the heart and heart valves
  13. 19. Blood vessels that carry blood away from heart
  14. 23. Increase in size of blood vessels
  15. 25. These connect arteries to veins