Heart Diseases Crossword!

  1. 3. High blood cholesterol, high blood pressure & promotes injury to rye artery walls
  2. 4. The heart skips beats / irregular beats
  3. 6. a weakened area of a blood vessel ; can also cause a stroke
  4. 8. exercise to maintain a healthy weight
  5. 12. pressure force created when the heart pumps blood
  6. 13. the increase of plaque build up in the artery walls
  7. 14. a device implanted in the heart to stimulate normal heart contractions
  8. 16. autoimmune action in the heart; some symptoms are swollen joints & skin rashes.
  9. 17. a substance that can increase addiction but can also decrease the risk of developing diabetes
  10. 19. Chest pain due to narrowed coronary arteries
  1. 1. blood pressure range that increases the risk for heart disease and stroke
  2. 2. disease of the heart and blood vessels
  3. 5. a drug that lowers hypertension/ high blood pressure
  4. 7. certain food groups (fruits, vegetables) decrease the risk of CHD
  5. 9. causes astherosclerosis
  6. 10. Hardened deposits of fat
  7. 11. hardening and thickening of the arteries
  8. 15. decreases the risk of heart disease if you stay healthy & maintained
  9. 18. caused by blocked or broken vessel(s) in the brain