Heart Failure - Risk factors

  1. 2. Lack of exercise would be called a … lifestyle
  2. 3. Irregular heart beats
  3. 9. Non-HDL build up - high ...
  4. 10. Food intake
  5. 11. The main cause of heart failure (Initials)
  6. 12. condition associated with insulin impairement
  7. 13. What hormone provides a protective effect for women
  1. 1. Inflammation of the heart muscles
  2. 3. The recommended amount is <14 units / week
  3. 4. High blood pressure
  4. 5. A previous myocardial ... increases the risk for Heart failure
  5. 6. BMI>30
  6. 7. People of ... Asian descent are more susceptible to Heart Failure
  7. 8. Tobacco use and inhalation