Heart Transplantation

  1. 1. right side atrioventricular valve
  2. 5. condition of heart when ventricles are relaxed
  3. 7. Drugs, that protect the transplanted organ against rejection.
  4. 11. …volume – volume of blood ejected by heart in 1 heart beat
  5. 12. cardiac muscle tissue
  6. 13. Transplantable structure that controls direction of blood flow in the heart
  1. 2. a serous membrane with two layers that surrounds the heart
  2. 3. the person who gives the heart
  3. 4. other word for ventricle
  4. 6. variant of transplantation with two hearts beating
  5. 8. – division of autonomic system that increases heart rate
  6. 9. surgical opening chest procedure
  7. 10. one of contraindications