Heat Transfer and Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. Transfer of heat by direct touch
  2. 4. When two plates push together
  3. 6. The amount of matter in something
  4. 8. Volcanoes formed due to subduction
  5. 13. How much space something takes up
  6. 14. Mass divided by volume
  7. 15. When two plates slide past each other
  8. 16. Part of the Earths crust
  1. 1. The transfer of heat by movement of fluid or gas
  2. 2. Caused by a transform boundary, responsible for many of California's earthquakes
  3. 5. Transfer of heat through empty space
  4. 7. The part of Earth where convection currents take place
  5. 9. When a more dense plate goes below another plate at a convergent boundary
  6. 10. When two plates pull apart
  7. 11. the top layer of Earth where plate tectonics are
  8. 12. What molecules become when they heat up, the reason they become less dense
  9. 17. The center of the Earth, and also the heat source