Heat Transfer Modalities

  1. 1. Some patients with Multiple Sclerosis with become __________ with increased body temperature
  2. 5. Increased blood flow with exacerbate this issue
  3. 8. massage, This cryotherapy modality is appropriate for acute bursitis
  4. 10. Peripheral vascular disease
  5. 11. Characteristic of cold urticaria
  6. 12. Not recommended when healing is delayed
  7. 13. Number of hours it takes for strength to return to "normal" after being treated with thermotherapy
  1. 1. Use of a hot pack creates extensibility in the hip joint capsule
  2. 2. Open wounds contraindication
  3. 3. Patient's with this diagnosis may demonstrate decreased sensation
  4. 4. for thermotherapy and cryotherapy modalities
  5. 6. Important component of Systems Review when considering use of thermo- or cryotherapy modalities
  6. 7. ulcers, Sign of impaired circulation
  7. 9. The first 48 - 72 hours refers to this type of trauma