Henderson Teachers: How well do you know them?

  1. 3. like country music.
  2. 6. have freckles on my tongue.
  3. 10. share a first and last name with a celebrity.
  4. 13. am afraid of the dark.
  5. 15. am in love with black and white movies.
  6. 16. husband worked three jobs to take us to London on our honeymoon.
  7. 17. favorite animal is an alligator.
  8. 19. mom drove a cable car in San Francisco.
  9. 21. played softball in high school.
  10. 22. was a dance coach in middle school for my first two years of teaching.
  11. 23. love to sew.
  12. 24. need more than one piece to chew gum.
  13. 25. attended first grade in Arizona.
  14. 26. was a baton twirler for the Jackson State band, "Sonic Boom."
  15. 27. have won a frisbee trick shot competition
  16. 28. like to fish but am afraid to bait the hook.
  17. 30. am a really good bass fisherman.
  18. 31. have spent 2/3 of my life with my husband.
  1. 1. have a heart murmur.
  2. 2. used to dirt track race.
  3. 4. did the mud run on 4/23/16.
  4. 5. bar-tended through college.
  5. 7. father and grandfathers are John. My mother and grandmothers are Evelyn.
  6. 8. mom came within weeks of becoming a nun.
  7. 9. have worked in all the schools in the district except Sudduth.
  8. 11. can touch my nose with my tongue.
  9. 12. I was a teen, I danced with a truck driver. He enjoyed dancing with me and gave me $150. I used it to buy my sorority pin.
  10. 14. used to be a cheerleading coach.
  11. 18. was born at home and my dad delivered me.
  12. 20. have had a kidney/pancreas transplant.
  13. 26. have 7 sisters.
  14. 29. have a green belt in karate.
  15. 30. enjoy watching criminal minds and then analyzing people like they do.