Henry and Ethan unit 36 All focus words.

  1. 4. You can buy this at a gallery.
  2. 5. Water comes out of this.
  3. 6. We use this to breath
  4. 8. A huge cat.
  5. 9. Winter summer Autumn and Spring is this.
  6. 13. This is the Christmas month.
  7. 15. People do this to know when stuff is happening.
  8. 17. When other people come somewhere you invited them.
  9. 18. People who go to school have this.
  1. 1. Opposite past.
  2. 2. This is hard to climb and is usually very very tall.
  3. 3. You are going to do this in airplane.
  4. 7. News people are this.
  5. 9. A very hot season.
  6. 10. What you do at fast food places.
  7. 11. Houses have this in them.
  8. 12. A very cold season.
  9. 14. A very good person that paints.
  10. 16. Blue is this.