Heredity and DNA!

  1. 2. the unit of inheritance
  2. 3. the number of chromosomes we get from our mothers
  3. 7. where chromatin can be found
  4. 10. a base of DNA
  5. 11. the shape of DNA
  6. 12. pairs of the similar chromosomes
  7. 15. thread-like structures
  8. 16. the father of genetics
  9. 18. condensed chromatin
  10. 19. contains genetic material
  11. 21. a base of DNA
  12. 22. when a female and male gamete fuse together
  13. 23. the number of chromosomes that humans have
  1. 1. a base of DNA
  2. 2. a base of DNA
  3. 4. half of the diploid number
  4. 5. the study of heredity
  5. 6. what DNA stands for
  6. 8. the number of chromosomes an organism has
  7. 9. the result of fertilization
  8. 13. when chromosomes can be seen
  9. 14. the number of bases that make up DNA
  10. 17. peas the organism that Mendel studied
  11. 20. the double helix formation of DNA is based on their model