Heredity and Genetics

  1. 4. the physical result of a genotype
  2. 7. gene combination with one dominant and one recessive allele
  3. 10. the gene expressed less often in a hybrid
  4. 12. the stronger or expressed gene in a hybrid
  5. 14. the passing of traits from parent to offspring
  1. 1. an appearance "in between" two phenotypes
  2. 2. gene combination for a trait
  3. 3. a form of a gene, from one parent.
  4. 5. gene combination with two dominant or two recessive alleles
  5. 6. the study of heredity
  6. 8. a characteristic passed from parent to offspring
  7. 9. father of genetics
  8. 11. two alleles are expressed
  9. 13. a cross involving a single trait