Heredity/Genetics - Module 10

  1. 3. choosing the offspring's traits
  2. 6. two closely related organisms mating
  3. 8. Father of Genetics
  4. 10. the physical appearance for a trait
  5. 11. tt
  6. 14. trait that is shown if allele is present
  7. 15. chart that show the possible offspring
  8. 17. the pair of alleles for a trait
  1. 1. two of the same alleles
  2. 2. chart that follows a specific trait in families
  3. 4. TT
  4. 5. both phenotypes are shown
  5. 7. trait that is hidden if not in pairs
  6. 9. two different alleles
  7. 12. a intermediate phenotype is shown
  8. 13. study of heredity
  9. 16. different versions of the same gene