Hermes Review 1

  1. 3. A job or profession that you have been trained for, and which you do for a long time
  2. 4. Something that is done by people in a particular society because it is traditional/something that you usually do every day
  3. 5. To kill large numbers of people or animals of a particular type so that they no longer exist
  4. 7. 더하다, 추가하다
  5. 10. 전기
  6. 11. the words of a language.
  7. 12. 기회, 호기
  8. 13. 기대하다, 예기하다, (아이를) 낳을 예정이다
  1. 1. To be strong enough to remain unharmed by something such as great heat, cold, pressure, etc.
  2. 2. Examine or judge something with changes in mind, survey or evaluate a subject or past events, view or inspect something again
  3. 6. to speak or act in favor of.
  4. 7. 임명하다, 정하다
  5. 8. 출발하다
  6. 9. 사라지다