Hero puzzle

  1. 4. Wolverine has this in his hands.
  2. 7. He was bitten by a spider.
  3. 8. Robin Hood’s friend.
  4. 9. Something you can put on your head to protect yourself.
  5. 11. Captain America has this as a weapon.
  6. 13. Clark Kent uses these as a disguise when he is not Superman.
  1. 1. This superhero lives in Gotham City.
  2. 2. A synonym for courageous.
  3. 3. A man on a horse who serves his king.
  4. 4. Something a superhero does to the villain.
  5. 5. You can use these to fly.
  6. 6. Thor has this in his hand.
  7. 10. Robin Hood takes this from the rich and gives to the poor.
  8. 12. This animal saved a girl from a fire in the story in Pit Stop.