HHD U2 O2 ch.10

  1. 3. In medicine this means that all information relating to a patient must not be shared
  2. 6. Private health ______ is a policy that helps pay for health services not covered by Medicare
  3. 7. The medicare levy ____ is applied to individuals who earn over 90K per year
  4. 9. The Medicare ______ Net ensures that people who require frequent cover receive additional financial support
  5. 12. Out of pocket _______ are costs that the patient must pay themselves
  6. 13. The Medicare ____ is a 2% tax for all Australian tax payers to fund Medicare
  7. 14. physical health characteristic
  8. 15. Australia's universal health insurance scheme
  9. 17. spiritual health characteristic
  10. 19. Government introduced a 30% _____ incentive for those who take out private health
  11. 21. payment from consumer for health services in addition to the amount paid by the government is known as the ______ co-payment
  1. 1. An advantage PH insurance is having your own choice of _____ in hospital
  2. 2. The amount paid for insurance
  3. 4. mental health characteristic
  4. 5. emotional health characteristic
  5. 8. a disadvantage of PH insurance is _____ premiums.
  6. 10. Medicare's contribution towards certain consultations and treatments is known as the ______ fee
  7. 11. social health characteristic
  8. 16. Something that motivates or encourages someone to do something
  9. 18. The PBS safety ___ ensures that people who spend large amounts of money on PBS medications receive additional financial support
  10. 20. This is used to fund medicare