Sabrina's 13th Birthday Crossword Puzzle Quiz (words with space as 1)

  1. 4. Sabrina's way to eat a Kitkat
  2. 8. Sabrina's favorite subject that is NOT in the arts
  3. 9. Does Sabrina like even or odd numbers?
  4. 10. Sabrina's favorite fruit
  5. 12. Does Sabrina like Kpop?
  6. 13. Sabrina's internet name
  7. 14. Who made this crossword?
  1. 1. Sabrina's chosen focus subject in SSRU
  2. 2. What is Sabrina's least favorite music genre?
  3. 3. Sabrina's dream country to visit
  4. 5. Sabrina's favorite restaurant
  5. 6. Sabrina's way to eat a banana... from top or bottom?
  6. 7. Sabrina's old hobby from when she was 9
  7. 11. Sabrina's favorite color