High Frequency Words

  1. 3. We have to go ____ to school everyday.
  2. 5. You should always try ____ when you fail.
  3. 8. The moon is out at _____.
  4. 10. We could not go outside _____ it was hot
  5. 11. ____ night I brush my teeth before bed.
  1. 1. I see you _____ at my test answers.
  2. 2. I ____ my friends at school
  3. 4. I ____ like to eat my veggies.
  4. 6. The dog ___ in his cage.
  5. 7. We ____ to the zoo to see the animals.
  6. 8. My friend went down the slide now I'm ____.
  7. 9. Never _____ up.