Hill News Winter Puzzler

  1. 2. The yearbook
  2. 5. Winter theater production
  3. 9. Its horns point toward the Wellness Center
  4. 10. Afternoon activity that inspires constructive discussion
  5. 11. Dorms on the westside of campus
  6. 14. where performances are held
  7. 15. Where a free period might be spent
  8. 19. Interim Academic Dean
  9. 23. Mr. Hoffman is its coach
  10. 24. Best burritos in Pottstown
  11. 25. name on the ice hockey rink
  12. 27. singers at Hill
  13. 29. Local pizza spot
  14. 33. A school named for its topographic location
  15. 35. The name of place where the swim team and water polo teams play
  16. 36. Art or Biology teacher
  17. 37. where fencing and thirds basketball compete
  1. 1. The location of the L'ville pep rally
  2. 3. Where Mrs. Lim teaches
  3. 4. students and teaches deliver talks here twice weekly
  4. 6. Economics guru
  5. 7. Go here to have someone help you with a paper
  6. 8. A club that promotes young entrepreneurs
  7. 12. We had one on Feb. 19
  8. 13. Where most history classes are held
  9. 16. Sport played indoor in winter and outdoor in spring
  10. 17. the name on our fieldhouse
  11. 18. Team whose varsity plays in Gillison
  12. 20. Where the sixth form will jump in May
  13. 21. The year our sixth form will graduate
  14. 22. The soon to be headmaster of St. Mary's Hall
  15. 26. Secretive society of students and alums
  16. 27. The best publication on campus
  17. 28. Varsity soccer plays here
  18. 30. Last name of our headmaster
  19. 31. Dorm that houses boys but is named for a woman
  20. 32. Head basketball coach
  21. 34. A body of water or classics teacher