Hip Precautions

  1. 2. chair, type of chair you sit on in the shower
  2. 4. bench, type of bench you sit on in the tub
  3. 7. tool you use to put on pants
  4. 8. up with the ____
  5. 9. toes, pointing your towns inwards
  6. 10. handled sponge, device you use to wash your legs
  7. 11. when in doubt ask for ____
  8. 13. down with the _____
  9. 14. device you use for walking
  10. 15. leg over leg
  1. 1. largest bone in the body
  2. 3. aide, tool you use to put on socks
  3. 5. 90 degrees
  4. 6. commode, item you place over your toilet
  5. 12. don’t sit on ____ surfaces
  6. 16. bar, helpful bar by the toilet