Histopathology (Decalcification, Infiltration, Mounting and Embedding)
- 2. Disposable embedding mold used in ordinary refrigerators and recommended for busy routine laboratories
- 5. Example of aqueous mounting media which may also be used as preservative, and with a high index of refraction
- 6. decalcifying agent with decalcifying time of 1-3 days and should be used in fume hood
- 7. Involves the wax impregnation under negative atmospheric pressure
- 10. Decalcifying agent with Chloroform as preservative
- 13. procedure whereby calcium or lime salts are removed from tissue following fixation
- 15. Medium for impregnation used for specimens with large hollow cavities which tend to collapse
- 16. Celloidin method for processing whole eye sections
- 18. decalcifying agent which decalcifies and softens the tissue at the same time
- 21. simplest,most comon and best embedding medium used forroutine tissue processing
- 22. synthetic wax recommended for embedding eyes
- 23. Embedingg plastic miscible with acetone
- 24. Technique whereby positively charged calcium ions are attracted to a negative electrode then removed
- 26. hydrochloric acid with Sodium chloride
- 29. Mounting Medium recommended for mounting frozen sections from water
- 1. recomended for whole mounts and for thick sections because it does not shrink much
- 3. form of celloidin which requires plasticizers and is more explosive
- 4. Polyethyleneglycol for many enzyme histochemical and cytologic studies
- 8. Used as a fixative and decalcifying agent
- 9. Blocking-out mold model with Equipped with a warm and cold plate
- 10. Made up of series of interlocking plates resting on a flat metal base, forming several compartments
- 11. Ammonium form of polystrene resin
- 12. Consist of two L-shaped strips of heavy brass or metal arranged on a flat metal plate
- 14. Most common chelating agent in the market
- 17. Other term with glycerol-based epoxy plastic
- 19. Process by which a tissue is arranged in precise position in the mold during embedding
- 20. mounting medium used for methlyene blue-stained nerve preparations
- 25. Disposable embedding mold utilize for embedding celloidin blocks. They also have advantage of being cheap and easy to make
- 27. most common and fastest decalcifying agent used
- 28. For routine decalcification of postmortem research tissues