Histopathology Services Safety Crossword

  1. 2. If you observe a choking victim and are not qualified to assist, locate a _____ to access the situation. (2 words)
  2. 3. Remember "P.A.S.S" when operating a Fire Extinguisher. What does the P stand for? (3 words)
  3. 7. Use the "THINK C.L.E.A.N" plan when containing a spill. What does the A stand for? (2 words)
  4. 8. In what department is the nearest safety shower?
  1. 1. A _____ safety cabinet should be used when processing body fluids.
  2. 3. Who is the Quality/ Environmental Health and Safety Manager at Histopathology Services? (2 words)
  3. 4. Every sink in the lab contains an _____ station to be used in the event of a chemical splash.
  4. 5. A surgical blade should be disposed in a biohazardous _____ container.
  5. 6. Acids and Bases should never be stored in the _____ cabinet.
  6. 9. Basic personal protective equipment to be provided to all lab employees and visitors includes goggles, _____, and labcoats.