
  1. 2. a method of organizing large section of land into individual lots
  2. 3. a person who remains loyal to the established ruler or governmet especially in the face of a revolt
  3. 4. four of the british colonies in north america after the united states became independent
  4. 7. the area from the ottawa river to lakes ontario, erie, and huron and the north shore of lake superior
  5. 11. people who are under contract to work for a family for a number of years before becoming free people
  6. 13. those parts of New France from the eatern edge as far west as the Ottawa river
  7. 14. the group of people who were against british
  8. 16. private ownership of land (rather than land leased from the crown)
  9. 17. a mohawk leader in new york
  10. 20. the area east of Montreal that was settled by the loyalists
  11. 21. french protestants
  12. 22. people who opposed to all forms of violence and war
  13. 23. the british colonies in north america that joined together
  1. 1. a black community near shelburne
  2. 5. the british commander in quebec
  3. 6. the tract of land along the banks of the grand river where Mohawk leader Thyendanegea settled his followers
  4. 7. the letters that the loyalists could put at the end of their names
  5. 8. the first name was kanata
  6. 9. the headquarter of his butler's rangers loyalist regiment called butler's barracks is located in niagara-on-the-lake ontario and is now a national historic site
  7. 10. governor of quebec 1789
  8. 12. the area where loyalists first landed.
  9. 15. The Ohio River is a 981-mile long river in the United States.
  10. 18. he/her father joined the army when he/she was 11 years old
  11. 19. a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system