
  1. 1. list of troublemakers
  2. 4. cultural cooperation
  3. 5. national labor
  4. 7. works on strike
  5. 9. American philosopher
  6. 12. control of the supply
  7. 13. Where did President McKiney want to use military force in 1898?
  8. 14. How did President Grant react to the KKK?
  9. 15. What is “Dollar Diplomacy”?
  10. 18. naval officer
  11. 20. refusing employees
  1. 2. name given to the northerners
  2. 3. American educator
  3. 6. extending a country's power
  4. 8. How were churches important to the black community?
  5. 10. Who removed federal troops from the south in 1877
  6. 11. laws passed in the south
  7. 16. American journalist
  8. 17. name given to the southerners
  9. 19. near monopolies