History Chapter 8 Quiz 7

  1. 2. – organization formed by Congress after the end of the Civil War designed to help provide freed slaves and any poor southern family for one year
  2. 4. – unjust treatment of another person because of a category such as race or skin color
  3. 6. – person who farmed for a landowner to receive part of the crop profit
  4. 13. – the practice of separating people by skin color
  5. 15. – first black American to serve in Congress
  6. 16. – to bring criminal charges against a public official
  7. 18. – declared that no man could be kept from voting because of race, color, or previous servitude
  8. 20. of1867 – congressional bill that divided the Southern states into 5 military districts to aid in recovery
  9. 21. – laws in the Southern States that only Blacks had to obey
  10. 22. – 17th president of the United States became president after Abraham Lincoln’s death
  11. 25. group within the Republican Party that wanted the government to control the recovery of the Southern states from the Civil War
  12. 26. nstitute- institute founded in Tuskegee Alabama to educate Black men and women
  1. 1. America’s first National Park
  2. 3. 18th president of the United States
  3. 5. group within the Republican Party that wanted the southern states to make decisions on their own about recovery
  4. 7. – rebuilding of Southern states after the Civil War
  5. 8. – educator and founder of Tuskegee Institute
  6. 9. Actof1866 – law declaring that all people born in the United States except for Native Americans still living as tribes were citizens of the United States with full and equal benefits of all laws
  7. 10. – former slaves who were freed by the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment
  8. 11. government department created to ensure fair treatment to newly freed slaves
  9. 12. – first former enslaved Black American to serve in Congress
  10. 14. southerners who supported the Union and joined with dishonest carpetbaggers to make a profit
  11. 17. of1877 – agreement in Congress that brought an end to the Reconstruction
  12. 19. – declared that freedman were citizens of the United States
  13. 23. Northern businessmen named for the suitcases they carried who traveled to the South to help rebuild the Southern economy
  14. 24. 19th president of the United States appointed because of the Compromise of 1877