History crossword

  1. 7. tree less region
  2. 8. didnt thin west a reasonable place to raise cattle hot, dry climate.
  3. 10. gold rush- 1848. huge bump in population. united states.
  4. 11. work to provide. families schools churchs grow.
  5. 13. boomtowns. towns continued to grow even after mining slowed.
  6. 15. small but effective. 1861 warships.
  7. 17. 90% of factories. ammunition. arms, uniforms, supplies.
  1. 1. bought settles.cheapland.
  2. 2. made farming much easier. dry farming. deeply planted seed stay wet.
  3. 3. railroads ranchers miners all help to transform
  4. 4. shifting water, to xpose beds. lot of water.
  5. 5. a drafing of soldiers
  6. 6. cattle freely no fences open range.
  7. 9. big companies had capital could afford to dig.
  8. 12. 12 million to 9 million
  9. 14. established. well lead lincoln.
  10. 16. to imprison someone without having committed a crime.
  11. 18. Great plains large wheat producers.