History Crossword

  1. 4. This word means to be confide as a prisoner for political or military reasons.
  2. 5. This organization brought democratic nations in North America and Europe to defend against potential soviet attacks.
  3. 11. This word literally means "fear of Muslims", we saw this grow tremendously after 9/11.
  4. 14. truce, This was an agreement from both sides to ceasefire on Christmas day (they also had a football/soccer match).
  5. 17. Best known Canadian terrorist group.
  6. 18. This is the push for everyone to own a lot of stuff to be happy and live a good life.
  7. 20. Pact, This was an agreement made between Germany, Italy, and Japan as a defences alliance.
  8. 21. This is the last name of the Lithuanian teen who set himself on fire in protest against the Soviet occupation.
  9. 22. This city is home to the Al-Aqsa mosque, which is one of the holiest sites in the world.
  10. 23. War, This war was named this because we actually never the two major powers fighting.
  11. 24. This is the greater economic, political, and cultural connectedness between different nations and areas of the world.
  12. 27. This is an acronym for an organization meant to keep international peace and security, and developing friendly relations between countries.
  13. 28. The compulsory enlistment or call up.
  14. 31. This is shared defence system between Canada and the USA, designed to alert and combat in the case of nuclear war.
  15. 32. This is a month that World war 2 both started and ended in (same month but different years).
  1. 1. This is also formally known as nuclear bomb, which was dropped on Japan.
  2. 2. This term was used by the Nazis referring to the "racial ideal" (white, blonde, blue eyed, etc).
  3. 3. This is the mass killing of a specific group/population, we saw this happen with Jewish people.
  4. 6. In this city the French ship "Mont Blanc" crashed into the "Imo".
  5. 7. This aerial combat was where fighter pilots would try to shoot down other planes.
  6. 8. This is also known as "The Great Famine".
  7. 9. Ridge, This battle is often considered as the battle that defined Canadian independence and military prowess.
  8. 10. mask, This tool was used to protect a soldier from breathing in toxic gases and chemicals.
  9. 12. Raid, While this battle was ultimately a fail , it served as a learning experience that the allied forces used in later battles.
  10. 13. This was were land battles took place in World War 1, they were filthy, filled with rats, mud, water, lice and much more.
  11. 15. Ferdinand, The assassination of this man sparked World War 1 to start.
  12. 16. This agreement is signed to temporarily stop war.
  13. 19. A public general vote to pass a law or make a big decision.
  14. 25. tax, This was introduced in World War 1 as a temporary measure to help fund the war effort. We still have this to date.
  15. 26. This is when the government bans the sale and/or consumption of alcohol.
  16. 29. This is the voluntary abstinence from drinking alcohol.
  17. 30. This is information, that is inaccurate or misleading, intended to promote or advertise a specific political cause or point of view.
  18. 33. This is an acronym for when and if war broke out it would mean that both sides and their allies would most likely be wiped out.