Jenna and Nate; how well do you know?

  1. 2. Nate's zodiac sign
  2. 5. First name ceremony musician
  3. 6. Number of stones on Jenna's engagement ring
  4. 8. BIG state destination we visited summer 2023
  5. 9. Month Nate was born in
  6. 12. Jenna's zodiac sign
  7. 13. First name of officiant today
  1. 1. ____ Farm: Name of wedding venue
  2. 3. City where Nate and currently Jenna live
  3. 4. Month Jenna was born in
  4. 7. Month that Jenna and Nate got married
  5. 10. State where Jenna and Nate met.
  6. 11. Rounding up, the number of years Jenna and Nate have been together.