History of ACOM part 1

  1. 5. didn't like book farming
  2. 7. Transferring information from sender to receiver with the use of communication media
  3. 10. between 1948 and 2017 total farm output nearly _____
  4. 12. U.S. farm population has _____ since 1900
  5. 13. began in the early 1800s
  1. 1. Process of producing food, feed, and fiber
  2. 2. First colonial-era newspaper to encourage articles on farming
  3. 3. used for printing prior to pulp
  4. 4. studied agricultural chemistry at Yale
  5. 6. father of American agricultural journalism
  6. 8. farm values have _______ since 1900
  7. 9. occupation of early ag editors
  8. 11. used as draft animals in colonial era