History of Food: The Agricultural Revolution

  1. 3. The important time in human history where most humans started farming. The Agricultural Revolution marked the end of humanity’s hunter gatherer lifestyle.
  2. 5. An ingredient that is in nearly all the food from a specific cuisine.
  3. 6. A time in Earth history when average temperatures were much lower. Much longer winters. Difficult environment for flora and fauna to survive.
  4. 8. People who constantly move from place to place.
  5. 9. A culture’s foods
  6. 10. The staple food for Central/South American empires like the Aztec and Inca. Called corn in English.
  1. 1. Having extra
  2. 2. The area on earth where humans first started farming, agriculture and developed the first large cities/civilizations. Located in the Middle East in what is now Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt.
  3. 4. Connected to farming
  4. 7. Growing one type of plant because it has something that makes it better than the others (example, larger kernels or juicier fruit). Breeding a specific animal because it is more obedient, grows more hair, etc.
  5. 9. To prepare land for farming