History of Forensics

  1. 4. weapons expert, refined techniques of firearms examination
  2. 5. this ID system was replaced by finger-printing in early 1900’s
  3. 8. used series of body measurements to distinguish one person from another
  4. 11. animal involved in Yi Yu Ji
  5. 14. forensics can help establish the body of the crime, known as the “__”
  6. 16. 3rd century Chinese manuscript, start of forensics
  7. 17. body measurement shown in #3 in the figure
  8. 19. forensics can ___ a suspect and victim to a crime scene and each other
  9. 22. body measurement shown in #5 in the figure: ___ of head
  10. 23. worked on the Shroud of Turin and the Vinland map in the 1970s
  11. 26. aside from his famous principle, Locard was the first to set up a __ (2 words)
  12. 27. application of science to the criminal and civil laws that are enforced by police agencies in a criminal justice system (2 words)
  1. 1. grouped blood into categories
  2. 2. cross transfer occurs when two materials come into contact with each other
  3. 3. developed a method of classifying fingerprints for filing
  4. 6. forensics can’t determine ___ or innocence
  5. 7. book published by Galton
  6. 9. forensics can identify or ___ a suspect
  7. 10. forensics can provide investigative ___
  8. 12. Father of Forensic Toxicology
  9. 13. body measurement shown in #2 in the figure
  10. 15. 1839: microscopic detection of ___ by Bayard
  11. 18. 1863: ___ test for blood developed
  12. 20. 1853: microcrystalline test for ___ in blood
  13. 21. 1828: Nichol invents ___ microscope
  14. 24. handwriting instructor responsible for acceptance of documents as scientific evidence in courts
  15. 25. wrote the book Criminal Investigation