History of Hip Hop
- 3. Donald Trump most likely hates this group based on his immigration views
- 7. Mildy rude plants
- 10. Tupac's alter ego
- 12. At first his name made sense, now his name is just prevalent
- 13. super fast mixer
- 15. First group to make hip hop known world wide
- 16. Ecstasy and lots of beer
- 18. Jay-Z's best producer until he developed an ego too big even for himself
- 19. Really tiny
- 1. Cruisin down the street
- 2. Alex's dream uncle
- 4. Wu-tang member who passed away 2 days before his 36th birthday
- 5. Formed by hip hop artists of the east Bronx, this "nation" helped spread hip hop awareness to the youth
- 6. Most featured pop artist in Hip Hop
- 8. Mary Jane's longest and greatest customer
- 9. The Game had beef with this rapper over a stolen chain
- 10. After being neglected for so long, this television station finally put hip hop on in 1988
- 11. Like a barking dog
- 12. California city that put west coast rap on the map
- 14. although he's on late night TV now, he never forgets his "roots"
- 17. Birthplace of Hip Hop