History of Kansas farming

  1. 4. Being extremely hungry, millions of family's were this during the Great Depression.
  2. 7. To poor to produce any vegetation.
  3. 10. having little to no money and not being able to thrive in the world.
  4. 14. movement of people from one place to another.
  5. 16. The president during the great depression.
  6. 19. In 1924 when the United states citizens were struggling with keeping jobs and earning money.
  7. 20. Migrants from the midwest who migrated to California for the gold rush and a better life.
  1. 1. A period of time when no rainfalls.
  2. 2. A state in the United states and a place where a lot of people that lived in the dustbowl migrated to hoping for a better future.
  3. 3. A job that grows the food and sell it for a living.
  4. 5. period of time when the Midwest had serve dust storms as a result of over farming.
  5. 6. A way of making money.
  6. 8. People in the great depression had to be this to survive.
  7. 9. The study of the past.
  8. 11. a collection of micro particles that can hurt our lungs if we breath to much of it.
  9. 12. A strong wind that carries clouds of dust over a large area.
  10. 13. A "town" built by unemployed and poor people in the 1930's during the great depression.
  11. 15. the process of growing food and doing it as a job.
  12. 17. A region in the middle of the United states.
  13. 18. A state in the middle of the United States.