History of Rock

  1. 4. _______ Cow Blues
  2. 7. "_______ row the boat ashore. Hallelujah!"
  3. 8. This music gave rise to hip-hop and rap
  4. 9. religious slave songs
  5. 12. forced labour
  6. 14. essential for the success of a pop song today
  7. 15. "pop" music is short for "_________"
  8. 17. separating groups of people by race
  9. 18. The King of Rock n Roll
  10. 20. Bill Hailey's big hit
  11. 23. Type of rock music composed by musician who did drugs
  12. 24. pop music tends to be _____
  13. 25. traditional African instrument
  14. 26. _______ Presley
  15. 28. Elvis' song that begins "well since my baby left me...."
  1. 1. The protest movement for racial equality
  2. 2. The most famous member of the Jackson5 group
  3. 3. new name for young people after World War II
  4. 5. Teenage boys copied the Beatles _________ hair
  5. 6. This music cannot be reproduced in a live performance
  6. 10. small instrument often used in Blues music
  7. 11. brought music from Africa to the Americas
  8. 13. "_____ Rock" (The California type of rock)
  9. 15. As pop singers get older, their music becomes concerned with _______ issues
  10. 16. African dancers stamp on the _______
  11. 19. Parents were _________ when Elvis Presley shook his hips on TV _____
  12. 21. Teenagers bought music recorded on these
  13. 22. sad music about depressing themes
  14. 27. Blues lyrics are very simple and _______
  15. 29. to increase loudness using electrical equipment
  16. 30. Teen girls screamed when they saw this English rock n Roll band