Hit Movies of the 2000

  1. 2. 2001 animated ogre tale
  2. 3. Epic love story at sea (1997)
  3. 6. Roman epic (2000)
  4. 10. 2007 true crime thriller
  5. 11. Blue-skinned aliens (2009)
  6. 12. Dream within a dream (2010)
  7. 14. Memory loss thriller (2000)
  8. 15. 2007 teen pregnancy film
  1. 1. Love story on a mountain (2005)
  2. 4. Highest-grossing film of 2009
  3. 5. Russell Crowe's epic 2000 film
  4. 7. Vampire love story (2008)
  5. 8. 2002 Best Picture musical
  6. 9. Oscar-winning musical (2002)
  7. 13. Pixar's lost clownfish (2003)