  1. 1. Hitler was a ... soldier?
  2. 4. Where was Hitler born?
  3. 5. What did Germany declare on Britain?
  4. 7. Who was the brave messenger in the World War One?
  5. 8. How many people were living in the homeless shelter?
  6. 9. How many bedrooms was in Hitler's block of flats?
  7. 10. What country did Hitler move to?
  8. 11. What month was Hitler born?
  9. 12. What was the name of Hitler's homeless friend?
  1. 1. Why couldn't Hitler get a job?
  2. 2. What age was Hitler when his Dad died?
  3. 3. What was Hitler's Mums name?
  4. 6. What was Hitler's Dads name?