
  1. 3. Enjoying books and stories to learn new things or experience different worlds.
  2. 4. Taking pictures with a camera to capture moments and scenes.
  3. 6. Music Making music with instruments like the piano, guitar, violin, or drums.
  4. 7. Creating pictures or designs using pencils, markers, or other art materials.
  5. 10. Preparing and making food, trying out new recipes and techniques.
  6. 11. Walking and exploring nature trails and paths in the outdoors.
  7. 12. Riding bicycles for recreation, exercise, or transportation.
  8. 13. Applying colors to a canvas or surface to create artwork or express feelings.
  1. 1. Trying to catch fish using a rod, reel, and bait in bodies of water.
  2. 2. Creating handmade items like jewelry, decorations, or crafts using various materials.
  3. 4. Video Games Enjoying electronic games on consoles or computers for entertainment.
  4. 5. Sports Engaging in physical activities like soccer, basketball, or swimming for fun and exercise.
  5. 8. Taking care of plants and flowers, often in a garden or pots.
  6. 9. Moving to music with rhythm and style, often as a form of expression or exercise.
  7. 12. Gathering and keeping items like stamps, coins, or toys as a hobby.