
  1. 2. Preparing food and trying new recipes.
  2. 5. Enjoying books, stories, and articles.
  3. 8. Gathering items like stamps, coins, or cards.
  4. 10. Creating stories, poems, or journal entries.
  5. 11. Music Making sounds with instruments or singing.
  6. 12. Creating items like scarves and sweaters with yarn and needles.
  7. 14. Walking in nature for enjoyment and exercise.
  1. 1. Moving your body to music.
  2. 3. Growing plants, flowers, and vegetables.
  3. 4. Sports Engaging in physical activities like soccer, basketball, or tennis.
  4. 6. Video Games Engaging in interactive electronic games.
  5. 7. Catching fish for sport or food.
  6. 9. Creating pictures with pencils, pens, or markers.
  7. 11. Creating pictures using paints and brushes.
  8. 13. Visiting new places and exploring different cultures.