
  1. 3. Physical activities or games that require skill, athleticism, and competition, such as soccer, basketball, swimming, or tennis, providing opportunities for exercise and teamwork.
  2. 4. The activity of expressing thoughts, ideas, or stories through written words, often involving creative storytelling, journaling, or composing essays.
  3. 6. The activity of cultivating and tending to plants, flowers, or a garden, involving tasks such as planting, watering, and pruning.
  4. 10. The activity of gathering and acquiring a specific type of objects or items based on personal interest or hobby, such as stamps, coins, or trading cards.
  5. 11. The act of interpreting and comprehending written text, books, or literature, often for entertainment, learning, or expanding knowledge.
  6. 12. Music The act of creating and performing music using instruments or one's voice, often involving skills like playing an instrument, singing, or composing songs.
  7. 13. The art or practice of moving rhythmically to music, expressing emotions or storytelling through bodily movements, often involving various dance styles or choreography.
  1. 1. The process of preparing food by combining ingredients, following recipes, and utilizing culinary techniques to create delicious meals or dishes.
  2. 2. The act of solving puzzles, brain teasers, or challenging games that require logic, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills to reach a solution or complete a task.
  3. 3. The skill or practice of using a needle and thread to join or create garments, accessories, or fabric items, often involving techniques like stitching, hemming, or embroidering.
  4. 5. The act of applying color or pigments to a surface using brushes, fingers, or other tools to create artwork or express creativity.
  5. 7. The art or practice of capturing and producing images using a camera, often to document moments, express creativity, or convey a message.
  6. 8. An activity or interest pursued for pleasure, relaxation, or personal enjoyment during one's free time.
  7. 9. The act of creating images, patterns, or representations on a surface using various tools such as pencils, pens, or charcoal.
  8. 14. The practice of making handmade objects or artwork using various materials such as paper, fabric, wood, or beads, often involving skills like sewing, knitting, or woodworking.