'Hogwarts, A History' and how well you know the Hogwarts Castle and your beloved school

  1. 3. Headmistress _____ Oshiro is the current Headmistress of Hogwarts
  2. 5. The Hogwarts house currently in top position, leading in terms of House Points as seen in the Great Hall
  3. 7. The Hogwarts castle has 142 __________
  4. 11. The founder whose daughter is a ghost in the Hogwarts castle
  5. 12. This creature's name is featured in the motto of Hogwarts
  6. 15. If you like Herbology groundwork and planting plants, we would find you in the __________
  7. 17. The tallest Tower at Hogwarts
  8. 18. The Slytherin common rooms are situated under the _____ Lake
  9. 19. Professor Lavinia Laurel who joined this month is the new _____ Professor.
  10. 20. You would want to be wary of this mischievous poltergeist
  11. 21. The creatures, invisible to ones who haven't seen death, which draw the carriages with students from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts
  12. 22. This is where you would visit if you wanted to send a letter, parcel or message but did not have an owl
  13. 24. An enormous giant spider who lives in the Forbidden Forest
  1. 1. One of the founders
  2. 2. The name of your school
  3. 4. Astronomy classes begin at ___ pm
  4. 6. The Hogwarts kitchens are located in the ________ of the castle.
  5. 8. Astronomy classes are an excuse to break which rule of Hogwarts indicating that students should be in their dorms or common rooms after a certain time?
  6. 9. The surname of the founder and co-creator of Hogwarts in it's current form
  7. 10. House points are recorded magically with the help of colorful gems in the enchanted ___________
  8. 13. The Muggle-born founder of Hogwarts who left behind a sword and the Sorting Hat as part of his legacy
  9. 14. These adorable creatures cook the food that magically appears on your plates during meals in the Great Hall
  10. 16. The first name of the founder who left behind the Chamber of Secrets
  11. 23. What kind of willow tree stands in the Hogwarts grounds and protects the secret passage to Hogsmeade?