
  1. 4. how big and long did the holes have to be in holes.
  2. 6. who does zero hit in the head with a shovel in holes.
  3. 8. Yelnats backwinds.
  4. 9. who does Stanley write or send a letter to in his family.
  5. 11. what is zero’s real name in holes.
  6. 12. a circle number.
  7. 13. what does Stanley have in the men in his family line.
  1. 1. how much money was on the Killing Kate Barlow wanted poster in holes.
  2. 2. what was the boats name in holes.
  3. 3. what gender is only allowed at camp green lake in holes.
  4. 5. what do arrive in.
  5. 7. what did they do at the camp called green lake in holes.
  6. 10. who does Stanley arrive with in the bus on the way to camp green lake.