
  1. 2. -- A temporary sculpture, noun
  2. 4. -- Long string of decorations, noun
  3. 7. A winter holiday, noun
  4. 8. An adverb which describes tinsel
  5. 12. An adjective which can describe a Christmas tree
  6. 13. -- Santa sits in it, noun
  7. 16. -- Eaten at both Thanksgiving and Christmas, noun
  8. 19. -- Animals which live in Lapland, noun
  1. 1. -- temperature at Christmas, adjective
  2. 3. In English this is a verb and in Swedish a noun for something you string on a tree
  3. 5. -- Means "saint" in Spanish, noun
  4. 6. -- An article of clothing and also a holder for presents, noun
  5. 9. The four weeks leading up to Christmas noun
  6. 10. An old-fashioned noun for Christmas
  7. 11. -- spicy cookie, noun
  8. 14. A noun -- placed on the tree top
  9. 15. A verb you do to a tree
  10. 17. cane -- peppermint candy, noun
  11. 18. -- The days of Christmas adjective