
  1. 3. Where Santa brings your presents
  2. 4. Delicious seasonal beverage
  3. 5. What's this white stuff everywhere?
  4. 6. Everyone wants one
  5. 9. Brings presents every Christmas eve
  6. 10. Happy Holiday songs
  7. 12. Christmas and Hanukkah happen in the
  8. 13. We put out Milk and these for Santa
  9. 15. Potato pancake
  1. 1. Evergreen plant brought inside for the season
  2. 2. Our favorite treat
  3. 6. Chocolate coins
  4. 7. Who do you want to spend the holiday's with?
  5. 8. Our tree is an Everxxxx tree
  6. 11. Spinning top
  7. 13. Brr, its not chilly it's
  8. 14. Placed on top of the tree