Holiday Crossword

  1. 2. a ceremonial procession with bands
  2. 6. bird eaten at Thanksgiving dinner
  3. 10. twelve o'clock at night, new years high
  4. 14. Christmas hater
  5. 15. a promise to do something in the new year
  6. 19. known as the "Bluegill Capital of Wisconsin"
  7. 20. small pieces of colored paper, or streamers
  8. 21. people often mail these to friends & family
  9. 22. Polar Bear _____, a New Year's activity
  10. 23. Santa's home, and workshop are located
  1. 1. traditional red and white striped candy
  2. 2. dessert that is usually filled with pumpkin
  3. 3. Christmas drink
  4. 4. he is the personification of time
  5. 5. "good luck" vegetable that's eaten on new years
  6. 7. people say it before carving the turkey
  7. 8. Santa's helpers
  8. 9. shiny thin tree decoration
  9. 11. Pilgrims came to North America on it
  10. 12. horn that is overflowing with food & flowers
  11. 13. a rattle used to make noise at parties
  12. 16. The Iranian new year holiday is called this
  13. 17. one of Santa's reindeer
  14. 18. Santa's vehicle