Holiday Crossword
- 3. "Santa Claus" comes from a ___ abbreviation of the same name
- 6. Where the first eggnog was made and consumed
- 8. A holiday celebrating the Roman god of agriculture.
- 10. The most famous reindeer of all
- 13. store A famous holiday story was written as a poem to lure people into a department store
- 15. ___ customs fell out of popularity after the American Revolution
- 16. ____ orginated with a monk in Turkey
- 1. The group that canceled Christmas because it was too decadent
- 2. Christmas wasn't declared a ___ holiday until 1870.
- 4. A holiday celebrated on the Winter Solstice in Scandanavia.
- 5. A type of text that gives the facts, not an opinion
- 7. Supports the point/topic of the text
- 9. Pope Julius I chose December 25 for celebrations to absorb pagan traditions into Christianity
- 11. Addresses and answers the prompt
- 12. Because of ___ people stayed inside
- 14. English separatists that didn't celebrate Christmas in the early America settlement