
  1. 4. Customary practice passed down through generations
  2. 8. Festive gathering or observance
  3. 9. Feeling of comfort and coziness associated with holidays
  4. 10. Close-knit group of relatives often gathered during holidays
  5. 12. Recollections of past events, often shared during holidays
  6. 13. Relating to a particular time of the year, like holidays
  7. 14. Last month of the year, filled with holiday festivities
  1. 1. Coming together of people for a special occasion
  2. 2. Act of presenting gifts or helping others, common during holidays
  3. 3. Positive attitude or happiness, especially during holidays
  4. 5. Full of holiday cheer and celebration
  5. 6. Time away from work or school, often coinciding with holidays
  6. 7. Full of happiness and delight
  7. 11. Large and elaborate meal, often enjoyed during holidays
  8. 13. Enthusiasm and energy associated with holiday festivities