Holidays and wintertime

  1. 1. shirt that keeps you warm
  2. 3. wrap around your neck
  3. 5. when Earth is farthest from sun
  4. 7. famous Christmas song
  5. 11. heats your house in winter
  6. 12. holiday door decoration
  7. 14. used for Hanukkah game
  8. 15. a decoration or something to eat
  9. 16. fierce winter storm
  10. 17. topping on hot chocolate
  1. 2. breaks hard shells
  2. 4. sharp and cold
  3. 6. red & white fresh tasting candy
  4. 8. Santa slides down it
  5. 9. make houses with it in December
  6. 10. used during winter Jewish holiday
  7. 13. shiny Christmas decoration