Holidays Review
- 3. Part of the 4 kinds, smells good and is tasty.
- 5. First step of TESHUVA (2 words(return/fix up wrong)
- 8. On Rosh Hashana we celebrate the _____ of Humankind
- 10. A holiday which is all about being happy and celebrating unity
- 12. The roof of a sukkah is called __________
- 13. The word Rosh in Hebrew means:
- 14. Shape of our challah during the holidays of Tishrei
- 15. What adults do on Yom Kippur
- 1. made by bees we dip the apple into it
- 2. LISTEN to this on Rosh Hashana
- 4. Hebrew word for prayer which means connection
- 6. A temporary building that we eat in on a holiday to remember G-ds protection in the desert
- 7. The day we fast and Hashem forgives anything we did wrong to Him. (for other people, we need to make up with them first)
- 9. Give this (money/food) to another who has less than you (Hebrew)
- 11. a Lulav comes from a __________ tree