home remedies

  1. 3. when you can hardly speak because your throat is sore
  2. 7. when you have a problem in your body
  3. 8. when you wear shoes without socks
  4. 11. not eating well
  5. 13. medicine when you are sick
  6. 14. when you get up very early
  7. 16. when you have many things to do
  1. 1. when you need the cure
  2. 2. ime passes and the change is noticeable
  3. 4. when you eat too much sugar or don't eat enough
  4. 5. when you don't see when it expires
  5. 6. when you don´t put a jacket
  6. 8. don't put on sunscreen
  7. 9. anckle for wearing very high heels
  8. 10. when you have genetic diseases
  9. 11. when you are not careful with knives
  10. 12. when you are on the plane or boat
  11. 15. up when you eat something bad